
There’s no shortage of newsletters out there, and I’m so glad you’re here.

My old newsletter was an ugly, neon-colored thing with bright pink CLICK TO BUY buttons and janky GIFs. I hated putting it together in Mailchimp and was sort of only doing it because people told me I needed to. But then I fell in love with others’ Substacks. They’re simple and writing-focused and feel like a direct pipeline from the sender to me. That’s what I hope to do here—I’ll share my sharpest writing and publication tips and insidery thoughts with creative folks who care about the same stuff.

To keep things simple (and avoid clogging up your inbox if all you want is a lil’ sleeve tug when, like, We Were Never Here is on sale for less than a Snickers bar), I’ll use the free tier for the kind of updates I’ve already been sending: major announcements, limited-time-only ebook sales, etc. Both free and paid subscribers also have access to an always-growing compendium of successful query letters from published authors (you can see some of the authors who generously shared theirs here).

Paid subscribers will get…so much more! INTIMATE stuff, my personal thoughts and private exchanges with other authors (with their permission, ofc), my very best writing and publishing tips, insidery content like a scene before and after an edit, and more. Gird your loins because this stuff will be rough, raw, and—hopefully—quite juicy. (Did that sound sexual? That was not meant to sound sexual.)

For paid subscribers, I’m also running a series I call Words With (Author) Friends, wherein I text/gchat/Slack/messenger/whatever with published writers about their latest projects and thoughts about publishing and you get to see the unedited results, like a literary fly on the wall.

I’ve watched Twitter (no I will not call it X) and TikTok quietly sundown my posts. I can’t control the algorithm and I don’t know how long I’ve got before Instagram stops showing my stuff to my followers, too. That’s what I love about Substack: There’s no middleman. I’m going to work hard to make this space valuable, and if you — like me — believe in compensating people for their work, I hope you’ll consider a paid subscription.

Thanks, friends! Let’s dance!!

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Subscribe to Andrea Bartz: Get It Write

Welcome to your new favorite writing community! Expect author interviews, writing tips, & publishing intel from a NYT bestselling thriller author. (Public posts = book news & announcements...plus occasional literary satire). Join us!


Hi! I'm the NYT bestselling author of The Spare Room, We Were Never Here, The Herd, and The Lost Night. I live with my girlfriend and pets in Brooklyn and the Catskills.