This post is funny. But about the boycotts-- let's draw a line somewhere! Also a tongue-in-cheek comment. But truly: I am conflicted about the strategy behind boycotts and would love to read your actual thoughts about how authors, publishers and the organizations that help to elevate and draw attention to their work, promoting the exchange of ideas, should be collaborating right now to resist oppression of writers, free speech, and the platforms where deeply considered differing political ideas can be considered side-by-side.

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Thanks for commenting, Abra! Such a great question—and one that feels beyond the scope of Get It Write to me. As a human, I can't help but share my views on my personal social media and, via deeper themes, in my fiction...I feel we authors have a responsibility to shine light on the truth. But the only take I can write is my own. I'm grateful to organizations like Authors Against Book Bans, We Need Diverse Books, and the Authors Guild who are out there making sure authors of all stripes are heard!

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Fair. One thing I find interesting about the examples you share of the writing you pitch to promote your books is that you show successful examples of both satire and serious opinions about your themes and related topics. There’s a serious version of this post that would interest me and yes, I see how that would be off-topic for your newsletter.

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Totally! The stuff I pitch to promote any given book is always tailored to the outlet—and I try to let Get It Write, too, have a particular place in the Substack ecosystem. I'd love to read the serious reflection on the topic, too!

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